Welcome to the
UnderOak and Desert Blooms Observatory Website!
You have
connected to a website that is dedicated to
the purely scientific and artistic endeavors
of a dedicated amateur astronomer. UnderOak is a
privately owned backyard observatory (SkyShedPOD XL3) in Morris
County (NJ) that has been in operation since
Sept 2007. In May 2017, a companion observatory
(Desert Blooms Observatory) in Arizona came on
line which has dramatically expanded the
number of possible variable targets. This website
contains a wide range of solar, lunar, planetary and
deep-sky images taken over the past 10+ years.
important, along with presenting the light
curves produced from photometric (BVRcIc) studies
variable star systems and minor
planets, the underlying phased differential
magnitude data are available for public
use. The acquisition of a Deep Sky
Spectrograph (DSS-7) has expanded the
repertoire of investigations that can be made
on stars, planetary objects, and nebulae.
Requests for data or images as well
as comments or questions about the website
contents can be sent directly to mail@underoakobservatory.com.
(Last revision: 13March2022)
